Tuesday 22 November 2011

Engendered Logframe Matrix

A Focus on Gender

In Khayelitsha 1/5 houses are businesses and 70% of the businesses are run by women (Aymes, 1989).

Incorporating an equitable hiring process that considers hiring female workers for traditionally male dominated construction work opportunities that they would normally be excluded from

Give women and men equal opportunity to voice their opinions throughout the project, and consider these opinions

We will conduct focus groups of homogeneous and heterogeneous people of 4-6 members in each group. The mix of groups will include a male group, a female group, and a mixed female and male group.

Be conscious of discrimination against women that may occur in groups and take measures to not allow this to happen. Specify that if workers do not fulfill our teamwork standards that they can potentially lose their position

In orientation, specify treating others as equals and co-operation, discuss harassment

We do not perceive that installation of the bottle bulbs will place new pressures on women to do more work, but rather make their daily tasks and work safer, and open a new realm of being able to work indoors

Our ultimate objective is that both male and female participants are seen as active, rather than passive beneficiaries of the project

Force Field Analysis

Monday 21 November 2011

How we will gain the necessary support

Social Support:
- Community meetings which will discuss the concept of the project.
- Household visits and assessments on the need for light sources.

Political Support:
- Municipal and provincial governments will be given a proposal of the project
- Gathering local representatives to participate in community meetings
- Holding meetings with local politicians to discuss the project's implementation

Financial Support:
- Canvassing donors who will support the project
- Partnering with the German Development Bank, which already operates in the local area

Cultural Support:
-Representative Participation. Stakeholders at the bottom will be able to voice their opinions and give input on culturally appropriate methods for the project.
- Researching and gaining full understanding of the cultural practices in the area-making sure our objectives are achieved through culturally appropriate methods.

Institutional Support
- Partnership with the local community centre
- Partnership with sikhula sonke

Sunday 20 November 2011


SWOT Analysis

Positive Impacts

1. On gender
  • Supporting independent female run businesses
  • Including women in traditionally male dominated work, such as construction
  • Harassment is addressed during orientation and training
  • Surveys include female perspective and opinoin
  • Focus groups include both female and male groups, and mixed groups to compare opinoins
2. On the environment
  • Recycling bottles
3. On Everyday living
  • Light source increases ability to carry out daily tasks
  • Safety increases because use of natural light decreases use of candles, decreases risk of house fires
  • Encourages community involvement and input
4. On economic development
  • paid positions available
  • supports decreasing costs of home-run businesses
  • encourages innovation

Why our Project is Resilient

  1. Potential obstacles easily overcome through flexibility
  2. Low budget
  3. Necessary supplies are easily accessible
  4. Realistic goals and focus
  5. Sustainable and appropriate technology
  6. Range of positive impacts

Amanzi Layita Launch in Khayelitsha: August 1st, 2012

Considering that the Western Cape, the province in which Khayelitsha resides, receives the majority of its rain during the winter months (May-July), we will begin the preliminary research for our project in the spring season starting on August 1st, 2012.

See Khayelitsha's Weather Here

The Intention Behind This Blog

The nature of our project demands that it is both flexible in nature and receptive to the integration of new ideas and feedback from the stakeholders involved, including potential donors. For this reason, we have created a blog to collect comments, log our progress and build on our initial project proposal. Enjoy!